Founding of

Founding of

Watch this inspiring story about the start of Meet Becky the face of as she tells her story about how she came to be the center of and how it has changed her...
Saving Babies Online

Saving Babies Online

Written by Sarah Wolf – 4/23/2018 – Catholic Sentinel CORVALLIS — Kate Dillon googled “local unplanned pregnancy help” trying to figure out what her options were. That’s when the senior at Oregon State University saw a Google advertisement for...
Pro-life Rally Draws Crowd in Roseburg

Pro-life Rally Draws Crowd in Roseburg

By DAN BAIN The News Review Jan 24, 2017 A crowd estimated at 75 to 100 people showed up to walk Sunday in a pro life rally in Roseburg. The Douglas County Right to Life group organized the Walk for Life and Baby Shower that started in front of Mercy Medical Center...
Why I March: Reflections on the March for Life

Why I March: Reflections on the March for Life

Author: Elizabeth Spillman This past Friday, I was honored to be able to participate in my 7th March for Life in our nation’s Capital. While traveling from my home in Oregon to Washington D.C. for the March, I had an interesting interaction with a friend that caused...
Babies Go To Congress 2016

Babies Go To Congress 2016

Written by  Jay Hobbs What happens when pregnancy help centers “win”? Six women who made courageous choices for life in unexpected pregnancies thanks to community-supported pregnancy help told their stories of courage, sacrifice and love to two dozen U.S. Congress...
Local Billboards

Local Billboards

A generous grant from one of our supporting organizations has allowed us to use roadside media in Oregon to reach out to young women in crisis pregnancies. A dedicated team of volunteers have installed 14 – 4’x8′ signs throughout the state of Oregon...