Babies Go To Congress 2016

by | 2016 | Feature

What happens when pregnancy help centers win? Six women who made courageous choices for life in unexpected pregnancies thanks to community-supported pregnancy help told their stories of courage, sacrifice and love to two dozen U.S. Congress members.
teka and tailor in DC

Written by  Jay Hobbs


What happens when pregnancy help centers “win”?

Six women who made courageous choices for life in unexpected pregnancies thanks to community-supported pregnancy help told their stories of courage, sacrifice and love to two dozen U.S. Congress members Thursday afternoon.

The story each woman had to tell is of how she came to be called, “Momma,” as Heartbeat International took moms and babies up Capitol Hill for its 14th Babies Go to Congress.

One mom, Teka Brown, flew in with her 7-year-old daughter, Tailor, from Okinawa, Japan, where her husband and family are stationed with the U.S. Marines.

Read more: Babies Go to Congress

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