Portland,Oregon- January 2019 It was very early in the morning, around 7am. I had just put down a sign that said ” Have questions? Just ask for help,” and had on hand the soft little preborn baby and an info card along with an information packet when a...
For 18 years StandUpGirl.com has been on the cutting edge of the pregnancy help movement offering a community of support and referrals to local resources for young women right where they are at, the internet. While our mission is not unique our approach certainly is....
Here is a story written up by Marie Barzen: After 11 years of leading, helping 40 DFL campaigns and standing out in front of various abortion clinics, I had my very first save!!! Glory to the Holy Spirit! I was driving down to the Lovejoy Surgicenter, a clinic that...
Watch this inspiring story about the start of StandUpGirl.com. Meet Becky the face of StandUpGirl.com as she tells her story about how she came to be the center of StandUpGirl.com and how it has changed her...