Show People Who the Unborn Child Is
Advances in technology which have allowed pictures of the unborn child, people now talk about that fetus in much different terms than they did fifteen years ago. They talk about it as a human being!
7 weeks fetus revealed

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You see here and the short clips below are taken from The Biology of Prenatal Development (Copyright, Education Resource Fund ( This is, without question, the most powerful imagery that exists of the unborn child. The Biology of Prenatal Development is a video project we have been involved in for many years along with the Education Resource Fund. The clips below can and should be shared far and wide.

We encourage pro-life groups and individuals to use these images below of the developing child, keeping in mind the words that pollster Harrison Hickman spoke to the 1989 conference of the National Abortion Rights Action League, “Nothing has been as damaging to our cause as the advances in technology which have allowed pictures of the developing fetus, because people now talk about that fetus in much different terms than they did fifteen years ago. They talk about it as a human being, which is not something that I have an easy answer how to cure.”

See Dr. Thomas Hilgers video of a Picture Dictionary of Life in the Womb.

The Education Resource Fund (ERF) recently announced an extraordinary new series of pregnancy-related science documentaries which illustrate the biology of prenatal development using sophisticated medical imaging technologies and procedures which enable researchers to visualize embryos and fetuses, alive in the uterus, with never-before seen clarity.

Read full article here

A new App has also been developed. Get the App below and go to the website at ERF.Science to see more powerful images.

See baby grow app

© See Baby Grow App

To obtain the See Baby Grow App for Apple (iOS), download from the Apple App Store at the foregoing QR Code, or this link:

To obtain the See Baby Grow App for Google Play (Android), download from Google Play App Store at the foregoing QR Code, or this link:

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