Other Ways to Give

Consider giving via stocks, donor-advised funds, and more!

Need more information? Read more below or contact us at director@standupgirl.com or 503-554-5683.

Stock Gifts

Please contact our office at: 503-554-5683 or email to director@standupgirl.com

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)

StandUpGirl.com Foundation gratefully accepts gifts from donor-advised funds (DAFs). These tax-efficient philanthropic savings accounts may have grown in value since you donated the funds, increasing your impact. Gifts from donor-advised funds can also be anonymous.

You can give from any donor-advised fund that you wish. Simply designate StandUpGirl.com Foundation as your charitable disbursement organization.

Wire Transfer Donations

For wire transfer your institution will need to use the following information:

Bank of New York Mellon
240 Greenwich St, 18th Floor

New York, NY 10286
(212) 495-1784

ABA #: 021000018
Credit To: LPL Financial
Credit Account #: 8900511524
For Further Credit/Additional Instructions:

Note: Foreign wires use Swift Code/IBAN: IRVTUS3N in lieu of ABA # and must be converted to US dollars by the sender. If funds are not converted the wire will be rejected by Bank of New York.

LPL has approved the wire instructions above as valid and accurate information. Please be advised that LPL does not control the processing of outside wire transactions. In the event that a transaction is unsuccessful, the client should contact the initiating party to verify the instructions used and status of the funds. LPL is not liable in the case of wire fraud. The client and the initiating party must ensure that wire instructions are set up properly and will be responsible for any loss of funds/fees initiated by the outside party.

 Please contact LPL Client Services with any questions at (800) 558-7567.

View and Print Instructions PDF here

IRA Charitable Rollover

This is a special tax-saving opportunity for donors age 70 ½ or older. You may give up to $100,000 per year from your IRA directly to StandUpGirl.com Foundation without having to pay income taxes on the money. You can use your gift to satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution. The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your deductions. Since the gift doesn’t count as income, it also reduces your annual income level, saving further on taxes.

Workplace Giving

Employers may match the charitable donations of employees or retirees, often doubling or tripling your impact! Check with your human resources department.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Engage your personal network to raise awareness and funds to support our work. Please consider starting a Facebook fundraiser in support of StandUpGirl.com Foundation.

Start A Facebook Fundraiser

Donate a Vehicle at careasy.org

We Make Donating a Vehicle Easy!

CARS makes donating your car easy. We take care of everything from the pick-up and sale to sending you the donation receipt and necessary tax documents. CARS is committed to treating every vehicle donor with gratitude and great service while delivering the highest possible returns to our partners. To date, CARS has returned more than $450+ million to our nonprofit partners because of vehicles donors like you. Thank you!

how to donate your car

Find out more about careasy.org here.

Search for non profit using the name and input standupgirl. Click on the StandUpGirl Logo and start the process.

Or use this quick link to the process below:

Start the vehicle donation process Here

All donations will be a charitable benefit to one of thousands of our nonprofit partners and CARS (Charitable Adult Rides & Services), a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit that provides transportation solutions for seniors.