JD Vance praises babies and families at CPAC
In a recent interview now making the rounds on social media, Vice President J.D. Vance discussed his Christian faith and the importance of family and explained what the Trump administration’s policies have to do with both.
JD Vance at CPAC
(The Washington Stand) In a recent interview now making the rounds on social media, Vice President J.D. Vance discussed his Christian faith and the importance of family and explained what the Trump administration’s policies have to do with both. Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday (Feb. 20), Vance addressed what he considered to be the Trump administration’s pro-life and pro-family goals.

“We believe, in the Trump administration, that babies are good, that families are good, and we want to make it easier for young moms and young dads to choose life, to start families, and to bring new life into the world. That’s the whole point of our policy,” the vice president stated. He explained that one aspect of advancing that policy is supporting pro-life pregnancy resource centers, to encourage “young women to choose life at that important moment of choice.” He continued to say that “bringing costs down” is also important “so that young moms and dads don’t look to the future and a new baby and say, ‘How can I afford this?’ And if they’re able to actually afford to raise a family, maybe they’ll start thinking of babies as the blessings that we all know that they are.”

Vance explained that fostering a culture of life, in which children are valued, will require “a lot of leadership, from the president on down.” He noted that President Donald Trump and his allies have a powerful platform for “persuasion” and stated that it must be used to promote the family. “We’ve got to persuade our fellow citizens to stop thinking about babies as inconveniences to be discarded. We’ve got to start thinking of them as blessings to cherish, and that’s exactly what I promised to do,” Vance said. “I’m blessed to have a 7-year-old, a 5-year-old, and a 3-year-old, and I can’t help but see the country through their eyes,” he added, acknowledging that his love for his children motivates many of his decisions.

Another source of motivation and inspiration, Vance shared, is his Christian faith. “I believe the fundamental tenet of the Christian faith. It’s not just a set of good moral principles, though it is that. I think the fundamental tenet of our faith is that the Son of God became man, He died, and He raised Himself from the dead,” the vice president declared. He continued, “That is the fundamental tenet of the Christian faith, and I think so much flows from that. I think one lesson that flows from that is that we shouldn’t fear death, of course. Death is a very bad thing, but there are much more terrible things than just losing one’s life.” For example, Vance said, one “could lose one’s soul.”

“If you look at the long history of the Christian faith, we’ve been around for about 2,000 years now, give or take a few years, and there have been really dark times in the history of the Christian faith, there have been really good times in the history of the Christian faith,” Vance recalled. He continued, “I just try to remind myself that we put our faith in God above, we put our faith in the grace of God, and we try the best to do His will, and we don’t worry so much about whether we’re going to have earthly rewards.” Instead, he said, “We worry about whether we’re doing right by God Almighty above. That’s what I try to do, and that’s how I try to run my life in public.”

Article Written by: S.A. McCarthy

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