Everything to Me by Mark Schultz

This song by Mark Schultz gets me through every day knowing that I am doing what is best for my baby. I just pray that one day when he is old enough, he knows that I placed him for adoption not because I didn’t want him, but because I knew it was the best option...
Jolie Robinson Young Mom Track Star

Jolie Robinson Young Mom Track Star

I never thought I would be able to compete in sports after finding out I was pregnant in high school. And now, I am a state champion in 3 events. I am so thankful for my supportive family, friends, and coaches. I wouldn’t be able to do this alone. I thank God every...
My Story Kathy Barnette

My Story Kathy Barnette

Get to know Kathy Barnette My life’s journey represents all that is good about this country. I grew up on a pig farm in southern Alabama in a one stop-sign town in a restful and rustic corner of the world. I never knew just how impoverished we were until I grew up....

Gift of Love

One of the greatest gifts we can give to our children, is our unconditional love. That goes for all parents; birth, foster, or adoptive. StandUpGirl is a champion for the gift of adoption and would like to ask you to join us in celebrating the support and resources we...
Super Bowl Ad and Paralympic Swimmer Jessica Long

Super Bowl Ad and Paralympic Swimmer Jessica Long

Published by: Author: KATIE YODER   FEB 11, 2021  | LifeNews.com After Toyota’s Super Bowl ad captured the touching life story of Paralympic swimmer Jessica Long, the media raced to report on the athlete. But many of them bypassed crucial details about the 28 year old...