Free Britney

Free Britney

October 20, 2023 Written by Tabitha Goodling Some call their unplanned pregnancy an “oops” or a mistake. In the early 2000s the pop star who brought us “Oops! I did it again,” was hiding a painful secret. She may have looked like a bubbly, happy...
Pregnancy Help Partnerships Save Babies Across the World

Pregnancy Help Partnerships Save Babies Across the World

Pregnancy Help Centers face a the tug-of-war over abortion that carries on in the United States, including last year’s death of Roe v. Wade, it’s important to remember the mission of saving unborn children continues across the planet. And sometimes...
StandUpGirl a Loving Voice for Women

StandUpGirl a Loving Voice for Women

I believe our first calling to and Pregnancy Help Centers around the world is to provide the resources, support and encouragement for women in the midst of an unexpected pregnancy and for women seeking information about pregnancy. But there are also...
New Ad Makes It Clear: It’s a Baby, Not a Fetus

New Ad Makes It Clear: It’s a Baby, Not a Fetus

People who support abortion use the term every single day: fetus. Because they’re so desperate to dehumanize the unborn child, abortion advocates use the term “fetus” instead of a baby to describe human beings before birth. Calling the baby a baby would make the fact...