
Hope Grows Here Gala

What is StandUpGirl?

At StandUpGirl.com, we show up for young women seeking pregnancy support information via the internet. Studies show that 95% of teens are accessing information anonymously on a smartphone each day and they will continue to turn to us for help in that moment of crisis. This opens the doors to hope, emotional support, educational materials, and a community of women walking forward with the love of Christ, encircling these women within a network of life affirming programs.

Before she knows for sure, we are in her hands to give her help, resources, guidance and most of all Hope & Courage.

Learn more about the StandUpGirl.com Foundation Ministry!

Video Copyright 2021 © – StandUpGirl.com Foundation

Our Inception

Read more about our inception here

Our Reach Scope

Read more about our reach here

Our Approuch

Read more about our approuch here

What We Do, Save Lives!

StandUpGirl.com is nothing short of a miracle. Founded in 2001, this amazing website now reaches nearly 450,000 young people each month – over 4 million girls each year. In addition, our resources connect young women from all over the world who share their stories of hope and courage.

StandUpGirl Helps Women Across the World!

USA and World Visitors Seeking Resources from StandUpGirl.com 2011 – 2022

standupgirl USA Visitor Map
standupgirl World Visitor Map

Lives are being changed each Month

Pregnancy Symptoms form submissions

Countries represented asking for HELP

Dear Jewel initial contact emails for HELP

Dear Jewel ongoing conversation emails

Women contacting our Chat Helpline

Incoming Text Help Messages

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